(All photos by Martin Worster)

Fake Freddie doing a great job

The tribute band act is big business. On any week locally you can see tributes to Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Bowie, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Eagles etc etc – you name it and there’s an impersonator. From Moody Morrissey to Bogus Bowie, they’re all out there. At the OC Fair which runs for six weeks in July and August there’s even a whole venue – The Hangar – more or less dedicated to it. For those who can’t afford to see the real thing come and see the next best thing.

Queen Nation, like many other tribute acts, do this as a full time gig. There’s a whole tribute act circuit and the County Fair summer network in the US – I imagine – provides a hefty chunk to their revenue. I was looking forward to seeing and photographing fake Freddie Mercury & Co on this sweaty August night, the first of two sell out shows for Queen Nation.

It’s A Kind Of Magic

They were amazing, particularly Gregory Finsley on lead vocals as Freddie Mercury. From the pitch and vocal mimicry to his on stage mannerisms, Greg had definitely honed his craft. Even down to the ‘Ayo..Ayos’ he did as a call and response with the crowd as seen at Live Aid in Wembley circa 1985. Even the stand in for Brian May almost looked like the real Brian, helped of course by a black permed wig. Also his guitar playing was flawless as real Brian is a also very accomplished guitarist.

It helps that Queen have a pretty rauccous back catalogue of singalong anthems that everyone knows the words to. It lends itself very well to a tribute band. Incidentally as Queen Nation make a living out of performing Queen material they will have to pay performance right fees to the original songwriters and publishing company. Something I wondered over – and subsequently Googled – as I watched the band mesmerizing the crowd who had all paid good money to see them.

Brian May-esque

I found it funny that even for the in between song stage banter, Mike McManus – aka Brian May – delivered it in a mock English accent (it sounded almost Scouse). Again, I had to Google his birthplace after – Massachuestts – to see whether he was actually English or not. Fairplay for extending the mimicry and authencity all the way to the mid song patter.

It’s quite an interesting world this whole tribute act thing. I am sure there is a great music documentary to be made about some of these characters who spend a big part of their lives impersonating rock stars. Queen Nation do a great job at it.

Another One Bit The Dust

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Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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